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Issue Two

FALL 2021

Kathleen Driskell, Editor in Chief


K.B. Carle

Whitney Collins

M Shelly Conner

Melissa A. Domjan


Quinn Grover

Chelsea Dingman

Elizabeth Dodd

Naoko Fujimoto

Beth Gordon

Kinshuk Gupta

Jacob C. Harris

Kaylor Jones

Kiki Petrosino

Jeremy Radin

Mark Lee Webb

Nicholas Yingling

Book Reviews

Kate Bustillos

Elizabeth Hall Magill

Jeremy Paden


Katy Yocom

Katy Yocom


Kathleen Driskell

Editor in Chief

Ellyn Lichvar

Lynnell Edwards

Katy Yocom

Managing Editor

Associate Editor/Book Review Editor

Associate Editor

Laura Johnsrude

Assistant Book Review Editor

Richard Childers

Student Editor

Tyrel Kessinger

Student Editor

Sarah Ladd

Student Editor

Lauren Mulvihill

Student Editor

Suzanne Robertson

Student Editor

Katherine Yocum

Student Editor


Sena Jeter Naslund-Karen Mann Graduate School of Writing

Spalding University

851 S. Fourth Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40203

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