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Welcome to our Faculty, Lee Martin!

The Sena Jeter Naslund-Karen Mann Graduate School of Writing is delighted to announce that Lee Martin has joined our faculty. Lee, an expert teacher of creative writing and an award-winning writer, will begin mentoring fiction and creative nonfiction graduate students this spring.

Lee is the author of six novels, including The Bright Forever, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in fiction. He has also published four memoirs and two short story collections, most recently The Mutual UFO Network, in addition to the craft book Telling Stories. His fiction and nonfiction have been published in many places, including Harper’s, Ms., The Best American Essays, The Best American Mystery Stories, Creative Nonfiction, The Georgia Review, and The Kenyon Review.

Martin has won many honors for his work, including the Mary McCarthy Prize in Short Fiction and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Ohio Arts Council. To learn more about Lee and his work, visit his web site.

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