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Call for Proposals: Fiction Spalding MFA Alumni, for Fall 2023 Lecture

The Naslund-Mann School invites MFA alumni who graduated in playwriting or screenwriting to submit proposals for an hour-long craft lecture in the area of Writing for TV, Screen, and Stage. The lecture will be presented at the Spring 2023 residency, May 27-June 3. The deadline for proposals is February 18.

Alumni may propose to lecture on craft or on an important figure or school of writing in the featured area. The best proposals will focus on distinct concerns of Writing for TV, Screen, and Stage but present information that will be useful to writers of all genres. While the lecture may engage the audience with exercises, at least forty-five minutes of the hour should be presented in lecture form.

Each proposal should include the alum’s name, the lecture title, a description (at least 150 and no more than 200 words) to be included in the Residency Lecture Descriptions document, as well as the thesis of the lecture, a rough outline of the lecture, and the goals of the lecture, describing the main takeaways for the audience.

We encourage alumni to revisit their ECEs, graduation lectures, or topics for their small group discussions for possible subjects.

Each semester, the chair and directors, with faculty input, choose one lecture to be presented as part of the Distinguished MFA Alumni Lecture series at the upcoming residency on Spalding’s campus. The selected lecturer will present a one-hour lecture and be compensated a $500 honorarium, a one-night stay at The Brown Hotel, travel expenses to and from residency, and a per diem for meals.

This lecture will be open to the community as well as to students and faculty at the residency in Louisville.

The lecture proposals are due no later than the midsession deadline of the previous fall or spring semester. Forthcoming deadlines:

Spring 2023: WTVSS, proposal deadline February 18, 2023.

Fall 2023: Fiction, proposal deadline August 28, 2023.

Spring 2024: Poetry, proposal deadline February 18, 2024.

Fall 2024: Creative Nonfiction, proposal deadline August 28, 2024.

Spring 2025: W4CYA, proposal deadline February 18, 2025.

To submit a proposal for a WTVSS lecture to be presented at the Spring 2023 residency, May 27-June 3, send your proposal to the Naslund-Mann School of Writing with the subject line “last name, first name, SPRING 2023 Alumni Lecture Proposal.”

We hope to award the WTVSS Distinguished Alumni Lectureship for Spring 2023 no later than March 15.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Driskell, chair, Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing.


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