Calling for 2022 Proposals from MFA W4CYA Alumni
One thing we know for sure? We have spectacular MFA alumni, doing all kinds of notable work in their literary communities, publishing and producing some of the most celebrated writing in the country, teaching with deep knowledge and compassion at our nation’s universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, and at community venues. MFA Alumni have won some of the most distinguished literary, community arts, and publishing and production prizes in the country. And, importantly, your writing lives provide meaningful inspiration and encouragement to current NMS students.
We want to showcase (and show off) your talents.
Beginning this fall, the Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing launches the Distinguished MFA Alumni Lecture Series. This program invites MFA alumni to present proposals for an hour-long craft lecture in the book or script in common area to be presented at the upcoming residency. MFA Alums may also propose lectures on an important figure or movement or school of writing in the book in common area to be featured.
The chair and directors, with faculty input, will choose one lecture to be presented at each residency on Spalding’s campus. The selected MFA Distinguished Alumni Lecturer will present a one-hour lecture and be compensated $500 in honoraria, a one-night stay at The Brown Hotel, travel expenses to and from residency, and a per diem for meals.
This lecture will be open to the community, as well as to students and faculty at residency in Louisville.
The lecture proposals are due no later than the midsession deadline of the previous fall or spring semester.
Fall 2022 W4CYA: proposal deadline August 28, 2022.
Spring 2023 WTVSS: proposal deadline February 28, 2023.
Fall 2023 Fiction: proposal deadline August 28, 2023.
Spring 2024 Poetry: proposal deadline February 28, 2024.
Fall 2024 Creative Nonfiction: proposal deadline August 28, 2024.
Each proposal should include the alum’s name, the lecture title, a short lecture description to be included in the Residency Lecture Descriptions (at least 150 and no more than 200 words), as well as the thesis of the lecture, a rough outline of the lecture, and the goals of the lecture, describing the main take-aways for the audience.
We encourage alumni to revisit their ECEs, graduation lectures, or topics for their small group discussions for possible subjects.
To submit a proposal for a W4CYA craft lecture to be presented in Fall 2022, November 12-19, send your proposal to with the subject line last name, first name, FALL 2022 Alumni Lecture Proposal.
We hope to award the W4CYA Distinguished Alumni Lectureship for Fall 2022 no later than September 15, 2022.
For more information, please contact Kathleen Driskell, Chair, Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing,